Install strichliste

For strichliste to run, PHP 7.1 or higher is required. You should have a webserver running which supports mod_php or php-fpm.


  1. Go to the Github project to download the latest release. It comes already with a bundled front-end.
  2. Extract the package content to your target directory (e.g. tar xvfz strichliste.tar.gz -C /var/www/strichliste.yourdomain.tld)
  3. Configure your database (e.g. mysql)
  4. Configure webserver (nginx or apache)
  5. Change strichliste.yaml config to your needs (optional)

Database configuration

The ORM used in Strichliste supports multiple database backends such as:

If you want to use another database than sqlite, just adjust the DATABASE_URL variable in your .env file in your root directory according to the Doctrine ORM recommendations.

For example, to configure mysql/mariadb:


Create a database and a separate user:

CREATE DATABASE strichliste;
CREATE USER 'strichliste'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '32YourPassWord42';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON strichliste.* TO 'strichliste'@'localhost';

Afterwards just run the following commands to create the schema:

php bin/console doctrine:schema:create

You’re done!

Sqlite (testing only)

Sqlite should only be used for testing. sqlite does not support most of the database transactional features which are needed to handle concurrent request.

If you really want to use this, execute the following steps:

php bin/console doctrine:database:create
php bin/console doctrine:schema:create

You now have a database-file in var/app.db

Configuring NGINX

Config examples for nginx can be found here:

Configuring Apache

Common Pitfalls


Import strichliste 1 database

To import your old strichliste 1 database, copy the database.sqlite-file to the strichliste2 directory and run:

php bin/console app:import database.sqlite

After import the terminal outputs “Import done!”